We're committed to delivering great experiences. If you're not entirely satisfied with your order, we're here to assist. However, please note that the business owners (our partners) are responsible for handling the refund process. Once an order is placed, it cannot be cancelled or refunded. Exceptions may apply upon review, and you can contact the partner directly using the contact details provided after the order is successfully placed.
Upon placing an order, we will contact you via phone or email to confirm your order details, total cost, and estimated delivery time. Once you receive this confirmation, no cancellations will be accepted.
If incorrect delivery details or contact information is provided, or you are unresponsive, it will be treated as a breach of your authorization for us to process the order on your behalf. In such cases, you will be liable to pay the full order value as damages. We may deduct this from your next order.
For issues such as food spillage, wrong orders, foreign objects, or poor quality, proof must be provided to resolve the matter.
If an item is unavailable after your order is confirmed, we will inform you and offer the following options:
You may cancel the order and receive a full refund.
You can cancel the order without any charges.
We reserve the right to cancel your order in cases where
Refunds will be processed according to your payment method and your bank's policies. Refund timelines are as follows:
# | Payment Method | Refund Method | Refund Time-frame |
1 | Credit Card/ Debit Card | Credit Card/ Debit Card | 5-7 business days |
2 | Net Banking | Net Banking Account (Credited to Bank Account) | 5-7 business days |
If you haven't received your refund within the mentioned timeframe, please contact your card issuer or bank.
If you have any questions regarding returns, refunds, or order complaints, please contact the partner directly. La Milano Pizzeria (MFWFPL) takes no responsibility for partners' actions.
We always strive to provide the best possible service and quality!